Assignment Chapter 4 Class 5

Class 5
Chapter 4
Major Landforms
Q1. Answer the following questions briefly:
1.     What are the relief features of the earth?
2.     Name some major landforms.
3.     What do you mean by mountain range or mountain chain?
4.     Give two examples of mountain ranges.
5.     Name the highest mountain of the earth which is under the sea.
6.     Which is the highest mountain range on the land?
7.     Which is the highest plateau on the earth?
8.     What is the name of plains?
9.     What is the occupation living in the plains?
10.What do you mean by the term ‘oases?
11.Name the largest hot desert and the largest cold desert of the world.
12.What is the mouth of the river?
Q2. Answer the following in detail:
1.      Write a short note on the following:
a.      Mountain   b. Plateau   c. Desert   d. Rivers
2.      What is the importance of plateau?
3.      Why mountains are thinly populated?
4.      Describe the importance of plains.
5.      “The height and shape of the mountains tell their age”. Discuss.


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