Chapter 2 Civics Class 7

Class 7
Chapter 2 (Civics)
Role of the Government in Health

Q1. Fill in the blanks:
1.       India has the large number of medical college in the world and is among the largest producers of ___.(doctors)
2.       Costa Roca is a country in _______. (South America)
3.       Costa Rica decided not to have an _____. (army)
4.       Half of the children in India are _____. (undernourished)
5.       Taxes fund _____ programmes. (development)
6.       The term paradox means_____. ((something that is contrary to what we would expect)
Q2. Multiple Choice Questions:
1.       Communicable diseases spread through_____.  (air)
a.       Water   b. Spicy food   c. Air    d. Medicines
2.       ‘Public’ means an activity or service____   (for all people in the country)
a.       For all people in country   b. By the government   c. Only for the poor   d. Only for the rich
3.       It has duty to safeguard Right to Life   (Government)
a.       Court   b. Government   c. Medical Council of India   d. Army
4.       It is associated with drugs  (generic names)
a.       Generic names   b. Food   c. Sanitation   d. Blood Bank
Q3. Answer the following questions in brief:
1.       What does ‘health’ mean?
Ans: Health means our ability to remain free of illness and injuries. It also includes availability of clean drinking water, adequate food, pollution free environment and life without mental strain.

2.       Define public health care system.
Ans: This is a system of hospitals and healthcare centers run by the government. It has the ability to look after the health of a large section of its population settled in villages.

3.       What is communicable disease?
Ans: Communicable disease means as infectious disease transmissible (as from person to person) by direct contact with an affected individual.

4.       Define the following terms:
a.       Ethics: Ethics means a set of moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or conducting of an activity.
b.      Generic names: This is a term referring to any drug marketed under its chemical name without advertising.
c.       Public: An activity or service that is meant for all people in the country and is mainly organized by the government. This includes schools, hospitals, telephone services etc. people can demand these services and also raise questions about their non-functioning.
d.      Private: an activity or service that is organized by an individual or company for their own profit.
e.      OPD: This is the short term for ‘Out Patient Department’. This is where people are first brought in and treated in a hospital without being admitted to any specific ward.
f.        Medical tourists: This refers to the foreigners who come to this country for medical treatment at hospitals that offer world class facilities at a lower cost than what they would have to pay in their own countries.

5.       From where does the government get funds to invest in various health care plans and schemes?
Ans: Government gets funds from the taxes paid by the citizens of the country. Taxes are used for the development programmes such as education, healthcare and employment etc. Government opens free hospitals and provide other healthcare services to the poor people.

6.       What are ‘Anganwadis’?
Ans: Anganwadi means “courtyard shelter” in Indian language.  Anganwadi is a type of rural mother and child center in India. They were started by the Indian governmentin 1985 as a part of the integrated Child Development Services programme to combat child hunger and malnutrition.
Q4. Answer the following questions in details:
1.       What are the different ways through which the government can take steps to improve healthcare for all?
Ans: Different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare to all:
a.       Establishing public healthcare centers and family welfare centers.
b.      Organizing free camps for checkup.
c.       Organizing different healthcare programmes like Pulse Polio campaign. 
d.      Setting up low cost government hospitals.
e.      Health insurance for basic treatment.
f.        Provision of clean drinking water and steps to check pollution.
g.       Generic medicines at low prices should be provided.
h.      Healthcare programme and creating awareness.
i.         Mobile clinics should be encouraged more in rural areas.
2.       What difference do you find between private and public health care for all? Discuss.
S. No.
Public Healthcare centers
Private Healthcarecenters.
The cost of treatment is very less.
The cost of treatment is very high.
Poor and take long time in providing services.
Good and easily available services
Buildings are not so nice.
The buildings are posh like five star hotels.
There is lack of cleanliness.
Everything is clean and shiny.

5.       ‘Improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases.’ Explain with the help of examples.
Ans: It is true that improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases:
a.       Contaminated water is the main reason for many diseases like cholera, jaundice etc.
b.      By provision of clean drinking water, protection from water borne diseases can be assured.
c.       Poor sanitation is responsible for many communicable diseases.
d.      Lack of proper sanitation also give rise of the birth of mosquitoes, several insects which affect the health of people.
e.      Proper sanitation will lead to hygienic condition which will surely control many diseases.

6.       Explain the terms ‘living standard’ and ‘public health’ in your own words.
Living Standard:
a.       It means the condition in which people are living.
b.      The facility provided by the government in order to raise the standard of living.
c.       The standard of living is measured in terms of hygiene, comforts, wealth, goods and services.
d.      Higher the standard of living higher the economy and vice versa.
e.      This reflects the economic condition of a country.
Public Health:
a.       It means the general level of public health.
b.      The government provides the basic health facilities and low cost hospitals and medicines to their people.
c.       It ensures that every person has right to get health facilities.

7.       State the functions of village health workers.
Ans: Village health workers are employed by the government
a.       They spread awareness among the village people.
b.      They create connection between common people and healthcare system.
c.       They facilitate healthcare and social system navigation to the village people.
d.      They advocate people to receive appropriate services.
e.      Thai take care of pregnant women, children and old people to get proper medication.
f.        They can give treatment for common illness.
g.       They work under the supervision of doctors.

8.       Why do most of the doctors settle in urban area?
Ans: Most of the doctors settle in urban areas because:
a.       In urban areas they can do private practices.
b.      Urban people spend more money on the medication and thus they readily buy unnecessary medicines prescribed by the doctors.
c.       Doctors can earn more.
d.      In rural areas many people cannot afford costly medicines.

9.       What is the status of health care in India? How can equality be achieved in terms of health?
Ans: In India private healthcare services are increasing. These private services are concentrated in urban areas. The cost of these services are rather high. Medicines are very expensive. People have to borrow money when they is illness in the family. Sometimes people have to sell their possessions to pay medical expenses. Moreover there is lack of basic necessities such as safe drinking water, adequate housing and clean surroundings etc.
For bringing equality the government has taken many steps:
a.       Safe drinking water for all the citizens of India.
b.      Clean surrounding for living.
c.       More PHCs and CHCs are established.
d.      Modern medical equipment are provided in the government hospitals.
e.      Free medical camps and programmes for the people.
f.         Free medical facilities and insurance for the poor people.
g.       Free vaccination for children and pregnant ladies.


  1. Wow nice!!
    It gives so much information and proper answers

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