Worksheet Chapter 3 Class 5

CLASS 5 SUBJECT EVS                         (December)
Q1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer           (November syllabus)
1.     Tamarind and lemon are______ where as the jaggery is _____ in taste.(sour, sweet)
2.     If someone has loose motions and vomiting, he should be given ____ and ____ solution.(salt and sugar)
3.     _________ took some liquids out of stomach to know about the digestive system.(Dr. Beaumont)
4.     Boiled milk takes _____ hours to digest in the stomach. (2)
5.     We should get enough and healthy food to _____ and ______ properly. (grow, develop)
6.     Most rice grow in _____ district in Orissa. (Kalahandi)
Q2. Mark(y) for the correct statement and cross(x) for the wrong statement. Also correct the wrong statement.
1.     Jumpa could make out the fried fish by its smell even before tasting it.      [Y]
2.     We should eat slowly and chew well, so that food can digest properly. [Y]
3.     Our body becomes healthy if we eat pizza, burger and chips.                   [X]
Correct statement: Our body becomes fat and flabby if we eat pizza, burger and chips.   
4.     The temperature of our stomach is 98.70C.                                                   [X]
Correct statement: The temperature of our stomach is 300C.
5.     If our body does not keep any food or water it will become weak.        [Y]
Q3. How do the following taste-
1.     Karela (bitter gourd) ______.    (bitter, sour and salty)
2.     Tomato                      ______.     (sweet and sour)
3.     Jaggery                        ______.     (sweet)
4.     Chilly                            ______.      (bitter)
5.     Saunf (aniseed)         ______.     (sweet)
Q4. Match the following:
                        A                                 B
            1. Unboiled eggs                 Mouth                       (5)
            2. Digestive Juices              2 hours 15 minutes.(1)
            3. Half boiled egg               Kalahandi                 (6)
            4. Tongue                             Stomach                   (2)
            5. Saliva                                3 hours.                   (3)
6. Rice                                    Taste                          (4)
Q3. Answer the following questions briefly:
1.     Why glucose drip is needed for a sick person?
Ans: When aperson become sick and does not eat properly the body becomes weak. The glucose drip gives him some strength quickly, even without eating.
2.     How many times should we chew food?
Ans: We should chew food 30 to 32 times before we swallow it.
3.     How does the saliva help in digestion?
Ans: Saliva makes the food soft and easy to chew. Thus, it helps in digestion.
4.     Name the doctor who first experimented on digestion?
Ans: Dr. Beaumont.
5.     What is the function of the tiny bumps on the tongue?
Ans: The tiny bumps of the tongue help us feel different taste.
6.     Why are the players given glucose drink?
Ans: Glucose is a mixture of salt and sugar. It gives us instant energy. So the players are given glucose drink for the instant energy.
7.     What is acidity?
Ans: When food does not digest properly the juices present in the stomach get acidic. It causes stomach ache, head ache, vomiting etc.
8.     How can we know about the food habits of a child?
Ans: We can know about the food habits from the shape of the body,  activeness and the colour of eyes and skin

Q4. Answer the following questions in detail:
1.     What would happen if we do not eat food for two or three days?
Ans: If we do not eat food for two or three days our body will become weak and sick.
2.     What happens to the food in the stomach?
Our stomach churns the food to digest it. Digestive juices present in the stomach mix with the food and help in digestion.

3.     How do the acidic juices harm our stomach?
Ans: The acidic juices cause sickness, stomach ache, head ache, lack of concentration and inactive body.
4.     What food should be eaten by children?
Ans: Children should eat homemade food.
They should eat a variety of food items like milk, roti, rice, eggs, green vegetables, pulses and fruits.
5.     Draw a labelled diagram of tongue and describe the function of its parts.




  1. I have done this worksheet and half learnt also . This is the easiest worksheet among all. Thanks a lot mam

  2. Very very thank you for this worksheet

  3. Multiple types question answer send

  4. Thanks ma'am...
    Ma'am this WORKSHEET
    We have to write in class work book ma'am?

  5. This is very helpful. Good work.

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