Question Answers of Chapter 16 Class 5

Q.1 what have you seen such scene around you?
A.1 Yes, I have seen such scene around me.
Q.2 Have you ever thought of this people who do this work? Can you imagine how would they feel?
A.2 doing such work must be difficult and dirty. People doing that must be feeling awful.
Q.3 Why do you think people need to do this kind of work?
A.3 People need to do this kind of work because of poverty.
Q.4 Talk with the people who do `cleaning job around house and in school ?
A.4 Hint. Student should talk to cleaners and safai karamchari.

Q.5 Since when they being doing this work?
A.5 They have been this work since 10-15 years.
Q6. How much have they studies ?
A6. Majority of them have not studied  beyond 5 class.

Q7.Have they tried to look for the work?
A7.No, they haven’t look for some other work.

Q8. Did the elders in their family also do this work?
A8. Yes, the elder also do this work.

Q9. What kind of difficulties to they face in doing this work?
A9. `They face many difficulties while this work. The have to the foul smell .the foul smell often the results in nausea and headache .Their job is the dirty and hence they are looked down upon by other people.

Q10. What are the different kind of work being done in this drawing? list any five of these.
A10. Five kinds of work , shown in the drawing are as follows-
1. Milk a Cow
2.working in garden
3 Carrying Garbage
4.Sweeping the road
5.Rag Picking
Q11. If you were asked  to do any five jobs shown in this picture ,would you choose ?
A11. I would choose following job
1 Teacher
2 Shopkeeper
3 Doctor
4 Scientist
5 Artist

Q12. Which five jobs would not choose? Why?
A12.The five jobs which would I not choose are
1 Sweeper
2 Laborer
3 Fruit/Vegetable Hawker
4 Constructor
5 Gatekeeper
I want to do a job so that I and my parents can be proud of. I want to do respectful job and also want to earn better.

Q13. What kinds of work or job do people not want to do? Why?
Ans: People do not want to do the jobs like cleaning, sweeping etc. because these jobs brings very less money and respect. People want to do jobs that bring money and respect both.
Q14. So who does these kind of work? Why do people do this kind of work that other do not want to do?
Ans: Poor and uneducated people do these kind work. They have to do these work because they are not able to do any other kind of job.
Q15. What would happen if nobody did this work? If nobody cleared the garbage lying outside your school or your house for one week, than what would happen?
Ans: If nobody did this work, the garbage will get collected outside the building. It will give bad smell. Many diseases will spread. Children cannot play outside. It will be very difficult to move.
Q16. Did Gandhi and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?
Ans: Yes Gandhi and his team start doing the job of cleaning. I think Gandhi and his team did a great job.
Q17. Why did Gandhi and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?
Ans: Gandhi and his team start doing the job of cleaning because they wanted that everybody should respect every type of job. They wanted to abolish untouchability and casteism.
Q18. Do you know any such people in your area who try to help other in solving- their problems? Find out.
Ans: Yes a gentleman in our society help others in solving their problems.
Q19. Guests of Gandhi’s ashram had to learn this work also. If you were one of these guests, what would you do?
Ans: I would also be able to learn these work. I would do this happily.
Q20. What are the toilet arrangements in your house? Where is the toilet? Inside the house or outside the house? Who cleans the toilet?
Ans: It is a modern style toilet with a flush attached to it. Every member of my family cleans the toilet.
Q21. How did the man who was returning from the toilet behave with Mahadevbhai? Why did he behave like this?
Ans: The man behaved with Mahadevbhai in very bad way. He thought that these people are untouchables and their job is to clean the toilets.
Q22. How did people generally behave with those who cleans toilets and drains? Write?
Ans: People generally behave with those people who clean and toilets and drains in an insulting way as they consider them as untouchables. They dislike and avoid to touch them or enter them in their houses.
Q23. Narayan and Gandhi discussed all this many years ago. Have things changed now?
Ans: Yes, things have changed a lot now. Now a days, most of the people do not believe in untouchability. The government has also passed many rules in favour of these people. Government has also reserved many seats for these people in educational institutions and government jobs.
Q24. Who does cleaning in your school? What all has to be cleaned?
Ans: The cleaning in our school is done by 20-25 sweepers. They have to clean toilets, all the rooms, terrace, offices and corridors.
Q25. Do all the children like you help in this? If yes how?
Ans: Yes, something we help in this cleaning work. We clean our classroom. If any waste papers or any waste papers or any other wastes are lying here and there, we clean our benches and chairs.
Q26. Would you like to bring some change? What kind?
Ans: Yes, I would like to bring some change. The girls and women should also the allowed to study so that they can get good jobs and become independent.  
Q27. Do people look at different kinds of work in the same way? If not, why is this so? Why is it important to bring change?
Ans: No, people, even today people do not look at different kind of work in the same way. People do not consider sweepers, cleaners, toilet cleaners respectable. This is so because rich people study well and get good jobs. The poor people do not even afford to eat.
This need to be changed in order to bring equality among the people and give respect to the untrodden people.
  Q28. Gandhiji used to say that every person should do every type of work. What do you feel about this? If everyone followed this, what are the things that would change? What are some change that will happen in your house?

Ans: If every person starts doing every kind of work then no work will be considered low or disrespectful. There will be equality among everyone. Everybody will respect everyone. 


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