Chapter 6 Geography 'Natural Vegetation and Wildlife'

Ques 1-What is natural vegetation?
Ans – The vegetation which grows without human efforts is known as natural vegetation.
Ques 2-Which are the factors on which growth of vegetation depends?
Ans- The growth of vegetation depends on temperature, moisture, slope and thickness of soil.
Ques3 –Which are three broad categories of natural vegetation? Explain.
Ans- 1.Forests-which grow where temperature and rainfall are plentiful to support a tree cover.
         2. Grasslands-which grow in the region of moderate rain.
         3. Shrubs-thorny shrubs and scrubs which grow in the dry region.
Ques4-Write the difference between Tropical Evergreen Forests and Tropical Deciduous Forests.
Ans -                Tropical Evergreen Forests                                                 Tropical Deciduous Forests
1.       These forests grow in regions which are hot and receive heavy rainfall.
These forests grow in regions which experience seasonal change.
2. Trees don’t shed their leaves.
Trees shed their leaves.
3.       Hard wood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany etc. are found in these forests
Hard wood trees like sal, teak, shisham etc. are found in these forests.
4.       These forests are known as rainforests.
These forests are known as monsoon forests.

Ques 5-Where are temperate evergreen forests located and what do they  comprise of?
Ans –These areas located in the mid latitudinal coastal regions. These comprise of  both hard and soft wood trees like oak, pine, eucalyptus etc.
Ques 6-Write the hardwood trees of tropical deciduous forest.
Ans- These are sal, teak, neem, and shisham. These are useful for making furniture, transport, and construction materials.
Ques 7-Why is the  tropical rainforest known as Evergreen?
Ans-This area get heavy rainfall throughout the year. As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. This is the reason they are called evergreen.
Ques 8-In which climatic conditions are citrus fruits cultivated?
Ans-Citrus fruits are cultivated in hot dry summer and mild rainy winters.
Ques 9-   The animals in polar regions have thick fur and thick skin. Why?
Ans –The animals in polar regions have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from cold climatic conditions.
Ques 10-Tropical Deciduous Trees shed their leaves in dry season. Why?
Ans-Tropical Deciduous Trees shed their leaves in dry season to conserve water.
Ques 11-Mention the uses of Coniferous Forest.
Ans- 1.Wood of coniferous trees are very helpful for making pulp.
       2. Pulp is used for manufacturing papers.
         3. Pulp also helps in manufacturing newsprint.
         4. Match boxes and packing boxes are also made from soft wood.
Ques 12-Explain types of grasslands.
Ans-Grasslands are of two types-
1.       Tropical grasslands –These grow on  either side of the equator and extend till the tropics. The grass can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 meters in height. Elephant, zebras, giraffes etc. are found in these grasslands.
2.       Temperate grasslands-These are formed in the mid latitudinal zones and in interior parts of the continents. Wild buffaloes, bison etc. are found in temperate grasslands.


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