Chapter 10 History 'Eighteen Century Political Formation'

CLASS-7                      SOCIAL SCIENCE          L.NO.10(HISTORY)
Q1.What were the reasons of the decline of the Mughal Empire?
Ans-Towards the closing years of the seventeenth century, the Mughal Empire started declining because of the following reasons:-
1. Aurangjeb had spent a lot of money by fighting a long war in the Deccan. This has weakened the economy.
2. After Aurangjeb, no one was able to control the vast Mughal Empire.
3.Peasants’ revolts added to the problems of the Empire.
4. The mansabdars or the nobles appointed as governors had become very powerful. They often controlled the revenue and military administration, Because of this the revenue of the capital declined.

Q2.Who was Nadir Shah?
Ans.Nadir Shah was the ruler of Iran. He sacked and plundered the city of Delhi in 1739.He took away immense amount of wealth.
Q3.Who was Ahmad Shah Abdali?
Ans.Ahmad Shah Abdali was an  Afghan ruler who invaded north India five times between 1748-1761.
Q4.What were the offices held by Sa’adat Khan?
Ans.Sa’adat Khan held the combined offices of Subadari,Diwani,andFaujdari.In other words he was responsible for managing the political,financial and military affairs of the province of Awadh.
Q5.Why was  Awadh known as  a prosperous region?
Ans. Awadh was a prosperous region as it controlled the rich alluvial Ganga plain and the trade route between North India and Bengal.
Q6.How did Nawab of Awadh reduce Mughal influence?
Ans.Nawab of Awadh used the  following ways to reduce Mughal influence:-
1.He  reduced  the number of office holders appointed by Mughals.
2.He had also reduced the size of jagirs.
3.He had appointed his own loyal servants on vacant positions.
4. The revenue was reassessed by official appointed by him
Q7.What were the policies adopted by Asaf Jah to strengthen his position?
Ans.Following were the policies adopted by AsafJah:
1.AsafJah brought skilled soldiers and administrators from northern India who welcomed the new opportunities in South.
2.He appointed mansabdars and granted them jagirs.
3.He ruled quite independently without seeking any direction from Delhi or facing any interference.

Q8. Why did the Nawab of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the jagirdari system?
Ans :
1.     . They both thought that the jagirdari system was not good and jagirdars were corrupt.
2.     Revenue was not assessed properly.
3.     Jagirdars were humiliating farmers to collect taxes.
4.     The powerful jagirdars could  be a great threat to the kingdom.
Q9.How were the Sikhs organized in the 18th  century?
Ans: Under a number of able leaders, in 18th century the Sikhs organised themselves into a number of bands called jathas and later on misls. Their combined forces were known as grand army or Dal Khalsa. The entire body used to meet at Amritsar at the time of Baisakhi and Diwali to take collective decision known as resolution of Guru or Gurmatas.
Q 10: What do you mean by Rakhisystem ?
Ans.It was a  system  introduced by sikh leaders to protect cultivators on the payment of a tax of 20 percent of the produce.
Q11.Why did the  Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan?
Ans.The Marathas wanted  to expand beyond the Deccan because:
1.They wanted  to expand their power and resources.
2.They wanted to capture trade routes.
3.They wanted that others should accept the Marathas authority.
.1.DalKhalsa-Combine army of Sikhs is known as Dal Khalsa.
2.Misl-The Sikh organized themselves in 12 bands called misl.
3.Khalsapanth- The institution of Sikhs introduced in 1699 by Guru Gobindsinghji known as khalsapanth.
4.Ijardari System-A system in which revenue was collected by revenue farmers.
5.Gurmata-Cllective decision taken by Sikhs on Diwali and Baisakhi  were known as Gurmata.


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