worksheet new chapter 21

 CHAPTER: 21 (Like father, Like Daughter)

I.                   Fill in the blanks:

1.                  An______________ child does not resemble the people who bring him/her up.                                                                                                                            (adopted)
2.                  ________________ twins look alike.                                                       (identical)
3.                  Children brought up in the ______________ environment behave in a similar way.                                                                                                                      (same)
4.                  ___________ are affected when a person suffers from polio.               (legs)
5.                  Gregor Mandel explained __________________ of characters using pea plants.         (traits)
6.                  Polio is caused by __________________.                                                (virus)
7.                  Some habits we get from our family, some skills we learn from our ___________.     (environment)
8.                  ________________ has started programmes to eradicate polio from its root. (The government)

II.                 Use the clues and guess the word:

1.                  A distinguishing quality or feature, typically one ___ R ___ I ___    belonging to a person.(Trait)
2.                  Legal procedure that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood. A __ O __ T __ O __(adoption)
3.                  A building in which a group of monks live and worship. M_ N _ S _ E _Y(monastery)
4.                   A member of a group of religious men who do not marry and usually live together in a monastery. __O__K  (Monk)

III.              Answer the following questions briefly:

1.      What is pulse polio?
Ans: - Pulse polio is an immunization campaign established by the government to eradicate polio.
2.       Will two brothers brought up in different environment behave similarly? Why or Why not?
Ans: - It is not necessary that the two brothers brought up in different environment behave similar because environment also affects the behavior of a person.
3.      Who was Gregor Mendel? What did he use for his experiment?
Ans: - Gregor Mandel was a scientist, born in a poor farmer’s house.
He used pea plant for the experiment.

IV.              Who is called what?

                                          Father                                             (Grandfather or Nanu)
                                   Mother    (Grandmother or Nani)                               
                                   Brother   (Maternal uncle or Mamu )           
                                   Brother’s wife (Aunt or Maami)                     
                                   Sister (Aunt or Mausi)                         
                                    Sister’s husband (Uncle or Mausaji )


                                         Father                                            (Grandfather or Dadu)
                                   Mother    (Grandmother or Dadi)                   
                                   Brother   (Paternal uncle or Chacha) 
                                   Brother’s wife (Aunt or Chachi)                    
                                   Sister (Aunt or Bhua)
                                   Sister’s husband (Uncle or Fufaji)      

V.                Answer the following questions in detail: (To be done in the note-books)
1.      How can we prevent polio? What steps has the government taken to eradicate polio?
Ans: - Polio can be prevented by taking polio vaccination. The government has started Pulse polio programme under which free polio vaccination is given to the children below 5 years of age.
2.      What did Gregor Mendel find about the pea plant?
Ans: - Gregor Mendel found that the pea plant has some traits which come in pairs. Like the seed is either rough or smooth. It is either yellow or green.
3.      Why does an adopted child behave similarly to his family members?
Ans: - A child learns many things from his present family environment.
4. Write the traits we inherit: a. from our parents         b. from our environment
Ans: - We inherit many traits from our parents e.g. Way of talking, walking and sneezing etc. We learn language and customs from our environment
4.      What do you understand by the term ‘identical' twins’?
Ans: - The twins who resemble exactly with each other are called ‘identical twins’.
5.      What do you mean by the term ‘an adopted child’?
Ans: - An adopted child is one who has born in some other family but brought up in the other by a legal adoption procedure.


  1. Thank you ma'am for the material, it helps me a lot ☺️


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