
Showing posts from July, 2017

Major Rivers, Lakes and Rivers


Layers of Atmosphere, Neap Tideand Spring Tide


Ural Mountains and Isthmus of Panama


World Map With Oceans and Continents


Neighbouring countries of India, Union Territories of India


chapter 14 class 5 worksheet

CLASS 5 EVS CHAPTER-14 (WHEN THE EARTH SHOOK) WORKSHEET Q1. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO FILL IN THE BLANKS: ---                                  a)       If there is no rain, crops can fail and there is shortage of food grains. It is called _____.(Drought) b)       Shortage of water and food can result in ______.                                                                       (Famine)   c)    ...

worksheet new chapter 21

D.C.M GROUP OF SCHOOLS E.V.S WORKSHEET  CHAPTER: 21 (Like father, Like Daughter) I.                    Fill in the blanks: 1.                   An______________ child does not resemble the people who bring him/her up.                                                                                                    ...